The London Road level crossing is due to close by 2019 because of the increase the frequency of trains crossing it.  At the moment, Oxfordshire County Council despite being part of the planning process to bring the new railway to Oxfordshire have not made provision for a replacement.  We wanted to understand how widely this closure was known about and what people envisage the consequences will be to them.

Prior to this survey, had you been informed that the London Road level crossing would close by 2019?
Prior to this survey, had you been informed that the London Road level crossing would close by 2019?
In terms of your daily life, how important is the London Road level crossing for access?
In terms of your daily life, how important is the London Road level crossing for access?
Rate the impact the closure the London Road level crossing will have in terms of social, economic and safety.
Rate the impact the closure the London Road level crossing will have in terms of social, economic and safety.
Are you aware that Oxfordshire County Council currently has no budget to fund replacement options?
Are you aware that Oxfordshire County Council currently has no budget to fund replacement options?